Hello my loyal customers! Some of you have been on this journey with us for decades, and many are new to our family....either way I want to say THANK YOU!
It is sad to inform you that over the years many have stolen our designs to recreate and sell on their own marketplace. But as of yesterday we had discovered that a company based out of the Czech Republic, in Latvia, has completely cloned our entire website, and apparel collection.
When I say clone, I mean IDENTICAL CLONE, it looks exactly like ""! All my products, my reviews, everything was stolen. We are in the process of contacting the correct entities to be able to help us against this attack. THIS DOES NOT AFFECT TRANSACTIONS ON CHRISTIANTSHIRTGUY.COM!
I want you to know this so that if you google one of my shirt designs, there is a possibility that you may open this incorrect website. Again, everything will look the same, except the website name will start with "za******* .com/collections../" etc.
I don't want to write the entire url name, so that it will never be linked directly to any search for OUR online store or it's products. If it starts with the letter Z, don't click on it. ONLY USE CHRISTIANTSHIRTGUY.COM.
We have tested their checkout process and they are only out to steal your credit card information.
If you have purchased from this fraudulent website and have not gotten a shipment, I extend our sincere apologies - we are looking to resolve this attack with urgency. I also would ask that if you purchased from them, to make sure your credit card and accounts are safe. PLEASE CHECK ON THIS IMMEDIATELY FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY!
Again, if you have purchased from our "" URL or website then YOU ARE SAFE, and YOU WILL BE SERVED WITH LOVE!
I'll update this page as I have new info! God bless and help me in praying for these deceived folks that are stealing from us. We KNOW this is a direct blatant attack from the DECEIVER himself, trying to stop what God wants to do through the Gospel message and conversation around these Christian items!
We love you. Thank you. And please be in prayer with us and for us, as we continue to pray blessings over every single order that ships from
Lastly, I say it again - our URL https://CHRISTIANTSHIRTGUY.COM is NOT at any security risk for purchases - you are safe to support our small business with confidence.
In love,
Peter / Owner